Given and delivered 93 pax of charity free lunch sets to 3 shelter homes:
1. Pusat Jagaan Syukur Hati: 23 pax
2. Health & Joy Boys'Centre: 40 pax
3. Bethel Children Care: 30 pax
Total: 93 pax
The cafe owner (Ms Juliana), her son (Mr Ooi Guan Jie, 20 years old) is diagnosed with blood cancer and presently under going chemotherapy treatment at Hospital Sultan Ismail, while her cafe business is seriously affected since pandemic Covid-19 & MCO. Her family is facing some financial challenges on the medication expenses.
Thank you very much for an angel that sponsoring the lunch sets for this charity food program.
Thank you very much for Uncle Fishy Entertainment for the coordinating, collecting & delivering the lunch sets to the shelter homes.
Date: 09-05-2022 (Mon)
将 93 份慈善免费午餐送至 3 个慈善收容所:
1. Pusat Jagaan Syukur Hati:23 份
2. Health & Joy Boys' Centre:40 份
3. Bethel Children Care:30 份
咖啡馆店主(Ms Julina)和她的儿子(黄冠杰先生,20 岁)被诊断出患有血癌,目前正在Hospital Sultan Ismail接受化疗,而她的咖啡馆业务自 Covid-19 和 MCO 大流行以来受到严重影响 . 她的家人在药物费用方面面临一些财务挑战。
非常感谢 Uncle Fishy Entertainment 协调、领取和运送午餐套装到收容所。