2. Dandelion Growth Care Center: 15 pax
3. Pusat Jagaan Syukur Hati: 30 pax
4. Persatuan Kebajikan Cahaya Pelangi: 35 pax
5. FGC: 10 pax
Total: 150 pax
Thank you very much for few angels that sponsoring for this charity bread program.
Thank you very much for Glory Cafe (GLC Care) that helping for making the breads.
Thank you very much for Uncle Fishy Entertainment for the coordination, helping in collecting & delivery.
Note: GLC Care is a comprehensive centre to train children with special leaning needs, ranging from 3 years old to adults, in academic and / or vocational skills. For more detail, please visit "https://www.facebook.com/glccare?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v"
For more details about this CHARITY BREAD PROGRAM, which we will purchase the bread from Glory Cafe (GLC Care) and given them free to charitable shelter homes, please feel free to contact Mr Edward Leong (Uncle Fishy Entertainment): 016-726-4785.
Thank you